Insurance for anyone working in Asia — providing cover in some of the most challenging circumstances worldwide.

With years of experience in the insurance industry — beginning with Insurance for Journalists in 2015, our team has developed deep expertise in understanding the unique risks and challenges faced by individuals working in hazardous locations around the world as part of their mission.

Assurance spécialisée pour les particuliers et les groupes. Couverture médicale en cas de décès, d'invalidité, de maladie et d'accident, y compris l'évacuation médicale en Asie.

Our motivation lies in offering robust insurance solutions that support the safety and well-being of our clients. We adhere to the highest ethical standards and strive to provide transparent and responsive service at all times.

We are proud to have served a wide range of clients, including medical organisations, governments and NGOs, aid organisations, media outlets, security advisors, and corporations looking to establish workplaces in complex and challenging circumstances across Asia— or provide cover for their teams while on assignment, as well as the local people they work with.

Find out more about the Insurance cover we offer in Asia

About Core Values

Our core values guide our approach to everything we do at Insurance For Ukraine


We possess unparalleled knowledge and expertise in providing specialised insurance solutions for individuals and organisations operating globally. We review our offering regularly in line with the latest industry trends and best practices to offer the most comprehensive and affordable cover on the market.


We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of our business. Our clients can trust us to provide honest and transparent service, ensuring that their insurance needs are met with the utmost professionalism and reliability.


Our commitment to our clients is unwavering. We go above and beyond to understand their unique insurance requirements and provide tailored solutions that offer maximum cover and peace of mind.

Demander un devis

Assurez vous, votre équipe locale ou votre organisation lorsque vous travaillez en Asie grâce à notre assurance spécialisée.

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